FMRJE Vol.2 No.1
January - March 2023


Introduction: Teachers are encouraged to deliver lessons in a way that is learnercentered, inclusive, and research-based through interdisciplinary and contextual approaches as part of the K–12 Curriculum's introduction of a culturally responsive and culture-sensitive, integrative, and contextualized, relevant, and responsive curriculum.


Methods: The interdisciplinary contextualized method links concepts and abilities within learning domains. The Department of Education (DepEd) uses interdisciplinary contextualization (ICon) in Science, Mathematics, and English, but MAPEH has never been researched. This research develops and validates iconized exemplars in music, arts, physical education, and health and examines their ramifications. The descriptive research design used the questionnaire to collect data. Forty-four heads, supervisor and expert teachers were the first group of respondents, and one hundred fifty grade 9 high school students were the second group of participants. The bulk of teacher respondents were from the DepEd Division of Nueva, especially District of Talavera, whereas all student respondents were from Talavera National High School.


Results: Results showed that practically all supervisors, department heads, and expert teachers characterized the four criteria of the iconized example in MAPEH—objectives, content, activities, and language—as "highly agree." Results also indicated that the supervisor and department heads' descriptions of MAPEH's iconized exemplar's aims differed from the expert teachers with a F value of 4.265 and p value of.045. Supervisors and department leaders score higher. Additionally, student conduct varied by sector. MAPEH students from various sections had distinct behavioral evaluations of iconized exemplars with F value of 5.636 and p value of.004.


Conclusions: The interdisciplinary contextualization of the four components of MAPEH—music, arts, physical education, and health—provides tailor-fit courses that accommodate and respect cultural, linguistic, and ethnic diversity, stimulates students to study MAPEH, and allows them to learn creatively.


Keywords: MAPEH, Development and Validation, Public School Teachers, K-12 Curriculum, Quality Education

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